Special Education
Special Education
Our Vision
To provide high quality specialized instruction in order to advance independence and promote learning in the least restrictive environment for students identified with special needs.
Department Chair
Kyle Monestero
Email: kmonestero@rlas-116.org
Juliana Arias
Small Group Instruction, Co-Taught, and Inclusion Teacher
Email: jarias@rlas-116.org
Heather Brown
Social Worker
Email: hbrown@rlas-116.org
Shannon Clark
Instructional Program Teacher
Email: sclark@rlas-116.org
Berenice Cordova
Instructional Program Paraprofessional
Email: bcordova@rlas-116.org
Taylor D'Acquisto
Special Education Paraprofessional
Email: tdacquisto@rlas-116.org
Alexis Dawiec
LAB Paraprofessional
Email: adawiec@rlas-116.org
Christine Fischer
LAB Teacher
Email: cfischer@rlas-116.org
Colleen Fitzpatrick
Small Group Instruction, Co-Taught, and Inclusion Teacher
Email: cfitzpatrick@rlas-116.org
Maxine Gal
Speech Language Pathologist
Email: mgal@rlas-116.org
Jaqueline Hernandez
Instructional Program Teacher
Email: jahernandez@rlas-116.org
LeGene Hult-Bogdaniec
Small Group Instruction, Co-Taught, and Inclusion Teacher
Email: lhult@rlas-116.org
Erica Krause
Instructional Program Social Worker
Email: ekrause@rlas-116.org
Dr. Victoria Morris
School Psychologist
Email: vmorris@rlas-116.org
Norma Prenta
Small Group Instruction, Co-Taught, and Inclusion Teacher
Email: nprenta@rlas-116.org
Ryan Rizzo
Small Group Instruction, Co-Taught, and Inclusion Teacher
Email: rrizzo@rlas-116.org
Krystal Serafin
Small Group Instruction, Co-Taught, and Inclusion Teacher
Email: kserafin@rlas-116.org
Blanca Strauss
Instructional Program Paraprofessional
Email: bstrauss@rlas-116.org
Joey Tilton
Small Group Instruction, Co-Taught, and Inclusion Teacher
Email: jtilton@rlas-116.org
Allison Vandeville
Small Group Instruction, Co-Taught, and Inclusion Teacher
Email: avandeville@rlas-116.org